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One of the very common questions asked by every psoriasis patient is Can Ayurveda Cure Psoriasis Permanently? Answering this question with YES & NO will be difficult. As modern medical science says that psoriasis can not be cured completely, people who have taken ayurvedic psoriasis treatment have shown excellent results with minimal relapse.

Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment involves regular detoxification to eliminate the disease-causing toxins, and intake of medication to correct the imbalance along with dietary changes and lifestyle.

Psoriasis is considered an autoimmune disease and Ayurveda says that immune functions can be corrected if one follows the right method.

Psoriasis is one of the skin diseases that fall under the no-cure category. As it well knows it’s a chronic skin condition caused by an autoimmune response from the immune system. The cure for this disease has evolved from some basic to advanced light therapy treatments.

What is psoriasis?

psoriasis cure Ayurveda

As a condition in which the cells of the skin pile up by increasing continuously forming scales and patches on the surface. These patches may be painful, itching, swollen, and disturbing to appearance. Flakes and scales form along with rashes. In some people, they appear in White, red, pink, and Silver colors depending on the skin naturally.

Psoriasis doesn’t always stay forever on the body. The effect of psoriasis can be scaled from mild, moderate to severe impacts analyzing the coverage on the body knees areas in the lower back, elbows, nails, and scalp are mostly seen with psoriasis.

Three percent or less of coverage on the body is mild psoriasis. Whilst more than three percent and ten percent can be told as moderate and severe psoriasis.

There are certain types of psoriasis categorized on the basis of the appearance and areas affected and impact on the areas.

Plaque psoriasis is the commonest type with almost ninety percent of the psoriasis cases chasing It redness and scales are the signs on the back, scalp, elbows, and knees.

Pustular psoriasis is the rarest among all, notable in adults. As the name itself states, it forms pustules, that are filled with pus and surrounded by red skin, in both the limbs and also other parts probably it ends up with scales and aggression.

In some people, the plaque psoriasis with lesions may end up with some erythrodermic psoriasis. Thus dangerous psoriasis tends to form edema, which means fluid accumulation, disturbing the body fluid and chemical flux balance. This triggers loss of protein, fluid, and balance. Vital organs like the heart and lungs can fail in severe erythrodermic psoriasis situations.

Guttate psoriasis usually begins to evolve from childhood to younger or adulthood. These are crusty or thick lesions, which can be left with treatment. Once gone, guttate psoriasis may return as plaque psoriasis or doesn’t ever return.

The severity of psoriasis:

Starting with alight signs of discomfort, disturbance pain, swelling, lesions, and itchy scales, psoriasis can go to severity. Depression, diabetes, anxiety, cancers cardiovascular, and GIT issues risks are likely.

Causes of psoriasis:

The major cause of psoriasis is our genes and our over-responsive immune system. The genes get into reverse action triggering the immune responses drastically contrary to their normal function. This starts with rapid skin cell growth and accumulation, swelling, inflammation, redness, and lesions. Overall control of our immune system will be disturbed. Almost 25 genes act in a way to develop psoriasis, mental status, depression stress, and emotional pressures attract infection pustular psoriasis is doubled up by bad habits like smoking, and alcohol consumption. Every change in the hormone can trigger psoriasis. Certain medications with lithium, quinidine, steroids, etc.

Issues with the metabolism of the body, heart condition, history of the disease in the family, and environmental factors are the main risks for the disease.


Psoriasis happens in both males and females. Age isn’t a barrier. Appears from childhood to any age of adulthood. The 28-30 age group is the most affected on average. Puberty, menopause-like life cycle changes can develop psoriasis. The chances of the development of the disease go higher with age. A child has less chance of psoriasis than adults.

How to Diagnose psoriasis:

There are no stipulated tests to check for psoriasis. personal overlook of the signs and symptoms, a persistent appearance of the rashes and scales, is enough to see the doctor. A physical examination will be held by the physician to determine the condition along with the verification of family history. In very few cases, a skin biopsy is taken for diagnosis. A skin sample is taken from the patient with a little local anesthesia. A biopsy can show other discomforts in the skin along with psoriasis.

Treatments for psoriasis:

It is very well said that there is no cure for psoriasis and it is chronic. Though a permanent cure for the disease is ain’t stipulated, these are treatment procedures and certain remedies to reduce the impact of the disease.

The purpose of treating psoriasis is to reduce the spread, the inflammation, and remove scaly skin and rashes, medication, photodynamic light therapy, and topical applications are the main aspects of those treatment processes.

The skin should always be hydrated moisturized and retained in psoriasis patients. This prevents a lot of irritation, disturbance, and itching in the skin. It may block the further spread of the disease too. The medication starts with topical application, steroids and non-steroids are used in topical medication. The retinoid drugs enriched with vitamin A, make the skin smoothens heal, and lower cell growth. Tarazotene is the common retinoid used.

Vitamin D is taken in combination with a corticosteroid, it is useful in removing the affected skin calcipotriene/drones, and calcitriol is the prescribed composition. These analogues treat mild to moderate situations. Though it irritates the skin, it’s more effective and available in creams and solutions.

Anthralin is taken over the scalp psoriasis is applied and rinsed off as it may give colour to the skin.

Coal Tar shampoos are well applauded for their effectiveness. One’s medication may end up with coal tar usage. It is used also in oils and creams, contraindicated for pregnancy and postmortem. Salicylic acid analogued with corticosteroids and coal tar works benefits for putting an end to scalp psoriasis. It wipes off dead cells and eliminates scaling effectively.

Calcinuerin Inhibitors act on the thin area of the skin and only a short period. Tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are those. Higher or prolonged intake of them can attract lethal effects. Pimecrolimus cream and tacrolimus ointment regret the plaque psoriasis and inverse psoriasis efficiently.

Light therapy treatments utilize ultraviolet or natural light. Sunlight treatments hang ultraviolet rays, or exposure to mild and intermittent sunlight reduces psoriasis in UVB phototherapy, and are used to treat single patches, severe psoriasis, and those that don’t yield to topical medications. Itchings, dryness of skin, and redness are the temporary side effects.

Narrowband ultraviolet band phototherapy is next level to that of ultraviolet band treatment. It leaves burns like scars and treats more severe cases. Excimer laser treats affected the skin only without affecting the surroundings. More results can be seen with only fewer treatments with thin light form. PUVA is a two-step procedure, that is psoralen. This has shown consistent improvements. Side effects may be caught up with longer applications. Gockerman therapy utilizes coal tar along with UV rays. This combination is more efficient than when these acts individually.

Managing psoriasis:

Psoriasis recurs until it is completely reduced by medications and treatments. Even though a counterattack can be done with home remedies and little lifestyle changes. Mild and initial psoriasis symptoms can be cured with these remedies at home. Drink a lot of water. Sinking in a lot of water detoxifies the skin, hydrates the body keeps the whole body moisturized and full. This wipes away the dryness and eliminates the scales, rashes, and lesions. Avoiding dry skin is an efficient method to stay away from psoriasis.

Taking supplementary foods like milk thistle, vitamin D, fish oils, vitamins, alone and essential oils can ease symptoms. Those who eat healthy stay healthy. Diet can manage psoriasis. Dry nuts, oils, omega 3 fatty acid-rich foods. Excluding smoking, alcoholic habits, and excessive intake of refined and processed foods, carbohydrates, red meats, and saturated fats can prevent inflammation.

Giving a hot oil massage with olive oil or any essential oil helps get rid of the plaques. Taking an Epsom salt bath, or sitting in can relieve the skin and soothe the scales and plaques. However, moisturizers are always a rescue. Deep moisturizing is always important every now and then. Sitting, strolling or exposure to sunlight can slow the impacts and also skin cell multiplication. The time of exposure and the need should be advised by the doctor.  Too much exposure can worsen psoriasis. 

Ayurveda uses turmeric along with herbs to efficiently treat psoriasis.  Even the FDA gave a proceeding signal to the usage of 3 grams in a day. Turmeric is taken both as a typical medication and also as pills or just a supplement.

Changing lifestyle habits, dietary changes, and losing weight helps along with many successful cases of psoriasis. Being emotionally strong, mentally resistant to stress, and depression strong during the illness and treatment, and consistent with the medication and treatment can help in the successful cure of psoriasis.

Can Ayurveda Cure Psoriasis Permanently?

Ayurveda says Yes, and it’s not easy. It depends on various factors such as diet, lifestyle, mental state, etc. Ayurvedic treatments are not aimed at giving symptomatic relief in psoriasis as conventional treatments do. Ayurveda’s approach to treating a disease begins with understanding the root causes of the disease. In psoriasis, though it looks like a skin disease the root cause is the malfunction of the immune system.

Steps Involved in Ayurvedic Psoriasis Treatment

As psoriasis is known as an autoimmune disease ayurvedic treatments are aimed at correcting the immune functions. The treatments adopted are

Avoiding causative factors – Identifying the causative factors that are responsible for the disease is avoided. It may be through food, drink, addiction, psychological factors, lifestyle, etc… after avoiding the causative factors one should follow the right way to improve health.

Detoxification or Cleansing – The toxins that accumulate due to consumption of causative factors alter the normal function of the body leading to the manifestation of the disease. The toxins are removed through detoxification procedures or cleansing procedures. Once the toxins are removed body starts to function as it has to be. Diseases such as psoriasis are chronic in nature and Ayurveda advises repeated purification for better results.

Medication – Once the body is purified medications help to correct the imbalance. Medications act more effectively in a toxin-free body and give quicker results. Medication includes decoctions, tablets, and external applications such as oils, herbal pastes, etc…

Treatments – In some chronic psoriasis cases there may be a need for ayurvedic treatments such as oil massage, dripping of medicated decoction, powder massage, pouring of medicated oils, etc…will help for better and quicker recovery.

Immune Correction – Correcting the immune function through appropriate treatments helps to correct the altered immune function and restores normalcy. Immune correction is an essential part of Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment as it prevents the relapse of the disease.


Though modern medical science considers psoriasis a lifelong condition with no permanent cure, Ayurvedic psoriasis treatments can help patients recover and prevent relapse.

Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment needs patients involved in the process of treatment rather than depending only on medication. The food habits and lifestyle are changed to support the healing process along with medication.

Psoriasis is known for its relapse and complications. Ayurveda can help in preventing relapse and complications by avoiding the triggers.

Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment does not suppress the symptoms rather it aims to cure the disease from its root without disturbing the harmony of the body.


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